Creds, man. Creds.

The ball stops here…image credit: The Amazing Kit Noble

The ball stops here…image credit: The Amazing Kit Noble


Curriculum Vitae


Orthopedic Surgery

Nantucket Cottage Medical Group

Nantucket Cottage Hospital, Nantucket, MA (Current)

  • Harvard Business School Health Care Leadership Focus Group

  • Successfully transitioned from private surgical practice serving the islands of both Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard to a growing, single hospital-based practice.

  • Pioneered Virtual Visit program during COVID-19 crisis

  • Leveraged EMR to attain early meaningful use status.

  • Fast-tracked MACRA/MIPS into practice

  • MassPAT electronic opioid pilot prescription program.

  • 100% ongoing MD Epic order entry and record compliance

  • Introduced “Duke-Triad” clinic care delivery model 

  • Directed and developed expanded outpatient PT/rehab.

  • Expanded orthopedic services lines to include shoulder surgery, arthroplasty, advanced trauma, and biologics.

  • Piedmont Society Executive Committee

  • 80+ National and international guest lectures and presentations (full list below)

  •  25+ Research publications (full list below)

  • United States Soccer Team Physician

  • Associate Editor, Wheeless Textbook of Orthopedics 

  • Consultant Reviewer for JBJS, JAAOS, Bone and Joint, Arthroscopy, and Foot and Ankle magazines

  • American Academy Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS) media spokesperson

  • Featured in the NY Times, Wall St Journal, New Yorker Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Fox News, Outside, and many other media

  • Author, Random House bestselling book, The Fountain: A Doctor’s Prescription to Make 60 the New 30 

  • Former Chief Administrative Officer and Medical Staff President, NCH

  • Directed medical and support staff activities during the critical period of final planning, funding, and construction of new hospital construction

  • Aligned staff for transition to multi-specialty RHC group and adoption of the Epic EMR system.

Orthopedic Surgery Past Experience

Monto Orthopedics, West Tisbury, MA

  • CEO of a large orthopedic private practice with on-site clinical, radiology, physical therapy, EMG, ultrasound, bone density, and regenerative treatment services.

  • Rocco Monto Sports Medicine Foundation 501(3)(c)

Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Oak Bluffs, MA

  • Established and developed first orthopedic surgery department on Martha’s Vineyard.

  • Initiated key medical equipment and supply relationships for MVH

Pennsylvania Orthopedic Associates, Huntingdon Valley, PA


Graduate school

Harvard Business School

Executive Certification Program / CORe Program

High Honors

  • Financial Accounting

  • Economics for Managers

  • Business Analytics

Executive Certification / Business Strategy

Harvard Business School Health Care Economics

Disruptive Strategy

Sustainable Business Strategy

Health Care Leadership Focus Group


Sports Medicine + Reconstructive Surgery of Knee and Shoulder

Steadman-Hawkins Clinic

Co-founder US Soccer Team Physician Program

United States Ski Team Physician

Consultant Nike Soccer Division

Consultant Soccer International Magazine

Orthopedic Surgery Residency

Duke University Medical Center

Eastern Orthopedic Association Resident Scholar

Smith Nephew Richards Resident Award

Piedmont Society Research Award

Oscar Miller Day Scholar

Cardiothoracic/general Surgery Internship/Junior Assistant Residency

Duke University Medical Center

Medical School

New York University School of Medicine

US Soccer Olympic Development Program

Cosmopolitan Soccer League All-Star / National Team Pool


BA, Biology

Haverford College

Magna Cum Laude

Departmental High Honors in Biology/Immunology

Phi Beta Kappa

Magill Rhodes Scholar

All-America Soccer Team / Team co-captain / Olympic Program

Viral Immunology / The Wistar Institute


  • American Board of Orthopedic Surgery Certification 2025

  • ABOS WLA Program

  • American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons

  • Medical License, Massachusetts Board of Registration

  • DEA Federal / Massachusetts

  • American Academy of Facial Esthetics

  • CORe Certification, Credential of Readiness, Harvard Business School

  • Specialty Certification, Business Strategy, Harvard Business School

  • Health Care Economics, Harvard Business School Online

  • FIFA Football Medicine Certification

  • Awards

  • European Hip Society Award

  • European Federation of Orthopedics (EFORT) Jacques Duparc Research Award

  • Smith Nephew Richards Resident Scholar

  • Piedmont Society Research Award

  • Oscar Miller Day Award

  • Phi Beta Kappa Society

  • Magill Rhodes Scholar


  • Fellow, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons

  • Fellow, Piedmont Orthopedic Society (Duke University)

  • Member, American Academy of Facial Esthetics

  • Founding Member, The United States Soccer Federation Sports Medicine

  • Hawkins Shoulder Society

  • Duke University Alumni Association

  • New York University Alumni Association

  • Haverford College Alumni Association

  • Harvard Business School, healthcare consultant

  • Storelli Sports, consultant

  • Manchester City FC, consultant 2010

  • Real Madrid CF, consultant 2010

  • Swansea City AFC, consultant 2015 

  • DC United, consultant 2017

  • Boston Children’s Sports Medicine affiliate

  • US Ski Team, consultant

  • Massachusetts General Hospital Orthopedic Trauma Team



    Monto, RR: The Fountain: A Doctor’s Prescription to Make 60 the New 30, Penguin Random House Books, ISBN-13 978-1635652338, New York, 2018.

    Medical Papers

    Monto, RR: Engineered Bone Graft, Am J Orthop, 7, 2016.

    Monto RR: Tennis Elbow Repair With or Without Sutures: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 15(3): 92-97, 2014.

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Is More Effective Than Cortisone for Chronic Severe Greater Trochanteric Bursitis: Abstracts of the European Hip Society, Hip International, 24: 553, 2014.

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Efficacy Versus Cortisone Injection for

    Chronic Severe Plantar Fasciitis. Foot and Ankle International, 35(4); 313-318, 2014.

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma for Plantar Fasciitis, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review, 21: 220-224, 2013.

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment for Chronic Achilles Tendinosis, Foot and Ankle International, 33(5):379-385, 2012.

    Mallon W, Monto RR: Cost and Functional Analysis of Physical Therapy and Manipulation under Anesthesia for Adhesive Capsulitis in Non-Diabetics, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 16(2), e31, 2007.

    Monto RR, Cameron ML, Close MA, Ho C, Hawkins RJ: The Role of MRI Evaluation of Tibial Eminence Fractures in Adults, Journal of Knee Surgery, 19:187-190, 2006.

    Monto RR: Soccer Shoes and Playing Surfaces: 1994 World Cup Soccer Medical Symposium, William & Wilkins, 1996.

    Monto RR, Lohnes J, Garrett WE: Soccer Injuries, Sports Medicine Injuries and Their Prevention, Williams and Wilkins 1995.

    Monto RR, Lohnes J, Mandelbaum B, Garrett WE: Radiographic Abnormalities of the Foot and Ankle in the Soccer Player; Orthopedic Transactions, 17:1190,1994.

    O’Connor DD, Hintermeister RA, Monto RR, Dillman CJ, Steadman JR: Three Dimensional Kinematic and EMG Analysis of the Soccer Instep Kick, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26(5):S195,1994.

    Monto RR, Bassett F, Hardaker WT: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Competition Physician; Orthopedic Review, 19(1): 1015-1020, 1990.

    Monto RR, Garcia JA, Callaghan JC: Fatal Fat Embolism Following Total Condylar Knee Arthroplasty, Journal of Arthroplasty, 5(4): 291-299, 1990.

    Monto RR, Bassett F, Hardaker WT: The Competition Physician; Pain Management, 4(1):45-49, 1991.

    Monto RR, Moorman CT III, Mallon WJ, Nunley JA: Rupture of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Associated with a Closed Ankle Fracture, Foot and Ankle, 11(5): 400-403, 1991.

    Monto RR, Hammerschlag WH, Nunley JA, Goldner, JL: Tibial Nerve Causalgia, Orthopedic Transactions, 15(1): 63, 1991.

    Monto RR, Hammerschlag WH, Nunley JA, Goldner JL: Tibial Nerve Causalgia Due to Trauma, Tethering, or Entrapment, Orthopedic Transactions, 15(1): 92, 1991.

    Monto RR, Ward WG, Goldner RD: Orthopedic Problems in the Immunocompromised Patient: A Diagnostic Algorithm, Southern Medical Journal, 82(9): S59, 1989.

    Monto RR, Silby M, Hardaker WT: Voluntary Scapular Dislocation; Southern Orthopedic Journal, 1(2):101-4, 1990.

    Ward WG, Monto, RR, Goldner RD: Pyarthrosis and Periarticular Abcesses in Chronically III Patients, Southern Orthopaedic Journal, 1(5):209-215, 1992.

    Moorman CT, Monto RR, and Bassett FH: Trigger Ankle in a Tennis Player Secondary to An Accessory Flexor Hallucis Longus Muscle, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 74:294-295, 1992.

    Moorman CT, Monto RR, Bassett FH: Trigger Ankle in a Tennis Player Secondary to an Accessory Flexor Hallucis Longus Muscle, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Letter), 74:1578-1579, 1992.

    Howard WT, Monto, RR, Hardaker WT: Medical Support for Athletic Events, Physician Assistant, 8:41-44, 1991.

    Owen JA, Monto RR, Straus D, Doherty PC: Differential Levels of Cytotoxic Reactivity Between Influenza A Strains, Federation Proceedings, 42(4): 967, 1983.


    Monto RR, Parekh S, Giza E: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Achilles Tendinosis, Achilles Tendinopathy and Treatment, Webinar 9, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (12/18/2012).

    Electronic Media

    Monto R: Burn the White Coat

    Monto R: Empathy: The House of the Russian Doll

    Monto R: Soccer Head Injuries: The 7 Facts You Need to Know

    Monto R: Turf Burns: 5 Tips to Prevent and Manage Turf Burn


    Monto R: 8 Ways to Step Up Your Mental Game

    Monto RR: Preventing Mental Burnout

    Monto RR: Private Practice RIP,, (12/07/2012).

    Monto RR: Subacromial Bursal Injections in Patients with Rotator Cuff Syndrome., (9/24/2012).

    Monto RR: Intra-articular Pain Pumps Linked to Poor Results in Knee Cases, (10/05/2012).

    Monto RR: The Use of Anchors in Tennis Elbow Repairs, European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology EFORT (5/2012)



    Monto R: Soccer Head Injuries: The 7 Facts You Need to Know,

    Brooks, K: Haverford Alumni Magazine Fall / Winter (2018)

    Osnato J: The Best Anti-Aging Tips Regardless of Age,

    Cocuzzo R: The Fountain of Youth, N Magazine (6/29/2018)

    Roerigh, E: Top Pillow Picks 2017

    Rabinowitz E: Sports Physicians Are Vital Part of the Team. Healthcare Professionals Network. (8/22/2014)

    O’Neil D: No More Knife, the Stem Cell Shortcut to Injury Recovery. Outside Magazine. (3/106/2014).

    Niller E: How Does Jiggling Affect the Brain? (3/10/2014).

    Niiler E: Soccer Headers May Cause Brain Damage. (6/11/2013).

    Ashe I: Island Commuter No More, Vineyard Gazette (2/28/2013).

    Hayes JC: How a Soccer Player Became a Physician for US Teams, (8/03/2012).

    Listfield E: Solutions To Four Common Foot Problems. More Magazine (9/2012).

    Adelson E: Undetectable stem cell treatment could be the wave of the performance enhancement future: Yahoo!, (8/24/2012).

    Kolata G: As Sports Medicine Surges, Hope and Hype Outpace Proven Treatments. New York Times (9/04/2011).

    The Road To Recovery: Soccer Players’ Health. In the Game Magazine (5/2010).

    Constable B: Super Bowl dreams span ages from kid to weekend warrior. Chicago Daily Herald, (2/02/2010).

    Kircheimer B: To Sell Or Not Sell: A Guide for Orthopedic Practices Eyeing Deals with Hospitals, (3/23/2010).

    Koehler A: The Natural Healing Power, Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals, (3/16/2010).

    Kircheimer B: 5 New Developments in Orthopedics, (2/06/2010).

    Johnson C, Kilgore A: A lost cause. Boston Globe Sports (1/05/2010). Reuters Health: Study: Baby Boomers Prone to Exercise Injuries, (7/02/2009).

    Andrews M: Your Weird Health Questions Answered, Women’s Health Magazine (12/14/2007).

    Roehrig E: Sleep on This: Our Top Pillow Picks, (9/2007).

    Bhattacharjee Y: Getting the Clearest Look at a Hurting Hip. New York Times (5/01/2007).

    Baker E: Orthopedic surgeon on cutting edge of innovative new treatment option. Inquirer and Mirror, (

    Fein, I: This Little Piggy Was Fractured: Orthopedic Documents Malady. Vineyard Gazette (6/29/2006).


    Monto, RR: The Fountain Book Lecture Series

    ·        Piedmont Society, Key Largo (5/2019)

    ·        UBS Bank, Stamford (8/2018)

    ·        Ferguson Library, Stamford (6/2018)

    ·        The Atheneum, Nantucket (7/2018)

    ·        Chilmark Library, Martha’s Vineyard (7/2018)

    ·        Island Health Fair / Elder Expo, Nantucket (10/2019)

    Monto, RR: The New Doctor-Patient Dynamic

    ·        Piedmont Society Meeting, Sea Island (5/2015)

    Monto, RR: Does PRP Really Work?

    ·        International Master Knee Surgeons Course, Catania (9/2014)

    Monto RR: Soft Tissue Management in Total Knee Replacement

    ·        International Master Knee Surgeons Course, Catania (9/2014)

    Monto, RR: PRP More Effective Than Cortisone For Severe Chronic Greater Trochanteric Hip Bursitis

    ·        European Hip Society, Stockholm (10/2014)

    ·        EFORT, London (6/2014)

    ·        AAOS, New Orleans (3/2014)

    ·        Combined European Orthopedic Research Society, Venice (10/2013)

    Monto, RR: Anchored Repair is More Effective For Severe Chronic Lateral Epicondylosis Than Debridement

    ·        AAOS, Chicago (3/2013)

    ·        EFORT, Berlin (5/2012)

    Monto RR: Summer Survival Guide to Orthopedics

    ·        Nantucket Cottage Hospital Summer Lecture Series (6/2013)

    Monto, RR: The Use of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for Achilles Tendinopathy

    ·        Regenerative Strategies and Emerging Technologies, San Diego (6/2012)

    Monto RR: Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate and Stem Cells in Orthopedic Surgery

    ·        Piedmont Society, Key Largo (5/2012)

    Monto RR: Careers in Orthopedics

    ·        Sports Medicine Panel, Haverford College (11/2011)

    Monto RR: Accelerated Recovery in Total Knee Replacement

    ·        Advances in Orthopedics International Conference, Miami (11/2011)

    Monto RR: PRP Injections for Chronic Tendinosis

    ·        Advances in Orthopedics International Conference, Miami (11/2011)

    Monto RR: Collateral Ligament Knee Injuries

    ·        Newport Sports Medicine Update, Gwendt (11/2011)

    Monto RR: Treatment of Chronic Tendinosis

    ·        Newport Sports Medicine Update, Gwendt (11/2011)

    Monto RR: Anatomy of the Knee

    ·        Newport Sports Medicine Update, Gwendt (11/2011)

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma and Orthobiologics

    ·        Manchester (10/2010)

    ·        Madrid Stock Exchange (10/2010)

    Monto RR: A Modern Approach to Chronic Tendinopathy

    ·        Research Triangle Orthopedic Society, Raleigh (12/2010)

    Monto RR: Press Briefing: PRP: Fact Versus Fiction

    ·        AAOS, New Orleans (3/2010)

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma Effectively Treats Chronic Achilles Tendinosis:

    ·        COMOC, Glasgow (9/2010)

    ·        EFORT, Madrid (5/2010)

    ·        AAOS, New Orleans (3/2010)

    ·        AOFAS Specialty Day, New Orleans (3/2010)

    ·        Piedmont Society, Sea Island (5/2009)

    Monto RR: PRP More Effective Than Cortisone for Severe Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

    ·        AOFAS, San Diego (6/2012)

    ·        AAOS, San Francisco (3/2012)

    ·        SICOT, Prague (9/2011)

    ·        BOA / IOA, Dublin (9/2011)

    ·        EFORT, Copenhagen (3/2011)

    ·        Piedmont Society, Greenbrier (5/2010)

    Monto RR: Advances in Joint Replacement

    ·        Edgartown (8/2006)

    Monto RR: Functional Brace Management of Acute Fifth Metatarsal Fractures

    ·        Foot and Ankle Society / AAOS, New Orleans (2/2003)

    ·        Piedmont Orthopedic Society, Sea Island (5/2005)

    Monto RR: Pain Management in Orthopedic Surgery

    ·        Providence, RI (1/2003)

    ·        Edgartown, MA (10/2002)

    ·        Hyannis, MA (10/2003)

    Monto RR: Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

    ·        Hawkins Shoulder Society, Hilton Head (5/2006)

    Monto RR: Surgical Treatment of Clavicle Fractures

    ·        Hawkins Shoulder Society, Hilton Head (5/2006)

    Monto RR: Foot and Ankle Injuries in Athletes

    ·        American Podiatric Society (9/2002)

    Monto RR and Mallon W: Cost and Functional Analysis of Physical Therapy and Manipulation under Anesthesia for Adhesive Capsulitis

    ·        American Shoulder & Elbow Society, Washington (Mallon) (11/2005)

    Monto RR: Soccer Injury

    ·        United States Youth Soccer Association, Providence (3/1996)

    Monto RR: 3-D Motion and EMG Analysis of the Soccer Kick

    ·        World Cup Soccer Medical Congress, Orlando (6/1994)

    ·        Steadman Hawkins Fellows Meeting, Vail (12/1993)

    Monto RR: Soccer Shoes and Playing Surfaces

    ·        World Cup Soccer Medical Congress; Orlando (6/1994)

    ·        Nike Soccer, Beaverton (5/19993)

    Monto RR: MRI in the Evaluation of Tibial Eminence Fractures in Skiers

    ·        AOSSM/JOSSM Transpacific Meeting; Maui (3/1993)

    ·        Steadman Hawkins Fellows Meeting; Vail (12/1993)

    ·        ACL Study Group; IschgI, Austria (3/1994).

    Monto RR: Soccer Injuries

    ·        First European Congress of Orthopedic Surgery, Paris (4/1993)

    Monto RR: Radiographic Abnormalities in the Foot and Ankle of Soccer Player

    ·        AOSSM, San Diego (7/1992)

    ·        Colorado Sports Medicine Symposium, Denver (5/1993)

    ·        Smith & Nephew Richards Research Conference, Memphis TN, (8/1991).

    Monto RR, Hammerschlag WH, Nunley JA, Goldner, JL: Tibial Nerve Causalgia

    ·        AAOS/AOFAS Specialty Day, New Orleans (2/1990)

    ·        Eastern Orthopedic Association, Bermuda (10/1990)

    ·        Hawaiian Orthopedic Association, Oahu (6/1990)

    Monto RR, Hammerschlag WH, Nunley JA, Goldner JL: Tibial Nerve Entrapment

    ·        Southern Orthopedic Association, Antigua (6/1989)

    ·        Oscar Miller Day, Miller Clinic, Charlotte (10/1989)

    ·        Southeastern Orthopedic Association ResCon, Charleston (8/1989)

    Monto RR, Ward W: Orthopaedic Infections in Immunocompromised Patients:

    ·        Southern Orthopedic Association, Maui (6/1990)

    Monto RR, Garcia J, Callaghan JJ: Fat Embolism Syndrome

    ·        PMA, San Diego (Garcia) (11/1990)


    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma is More Effective Than Cortisone for Severe Chronic Greater Trochanteric Hip Bursitis

    ·          Combined European Orthopedic Research Society, Venice (10/2013).

    Monto RR: Surgical Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis: To Anchor or Not To Anchor

    ·        European Federation of National Associations of Sports Medicine and Traumatology (EFOST) Olympic Sports Medicine Meeting; London, (10/2012)

    Monto RR: Suture Anchors More Effective Than Debridement for Severe Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis

    ·        EFORT, Berlin (5/2012).

    Monto RR: Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Chronic Achilles Tendinosis

    ·          New Zealand Orthopedic Association, Wellington (10/2009)

    Monto RR, Lohnes J, Mandelbaum B, Garrett WE: Radiographic Abnormalities of the Foot and Ankle in Soccer Players

    ·        AAOS, San Francisco (2/1993)

    Monto RR, Lohnes J, Mandelbaum B, Garrett WE: Radiographic Abnormalities of the Foot and Ankle in Soccer Players

    ·        European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy / International Arthroscopy Association, Copenhagen (6/1993)

    Monto RR, Morin W, Ho C, Hawkins R: MRI Evaluation of Tibial Eminence Fractures in Adults

    ·        AAOS, New Orleans (2/1994)

    Monto RR, Morin W, Ho C, Hawkins R: MRI Evaluation of Tibial Eminence Fractures in Adults

    ·        Eastern Orthopedic Association, Orlando (10/1993)

    Monto RR, Morin W, Ho C, Hawkins R: MRI Evaluation of Tibial Eminence Fractures in Adults

    ·        European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy / International Arthroscopy Association, Copenhagen (6/1993)

    Monto RR, Morin W, Ho C, Hawkins R: MRI Evaluation of Tibial Eminence Fractures in Adults

    ·        AOSSM / Japanese Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine, Maui (3/1993)


    Monto, RR: Medical Minute Series, YouTube, 2018.

    Monto, RR and Steadman, JR: Chondral Defects in Athletes

    ·        Arthroscopy Update 1993, Snowbird (11/1992)

    Monto RR and Steadman JR: ACL Rehabilitation

    ·        Arthroscopy Update 1993, Snowbird (11/1992)

    Monto, RR, O'Conner D, Hintermeister RA, Dillman C, Steadman JR: Three- Dimensional Kinematic and Electromyelographic Analysis of the Instep Soccer Kick

    ·        European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy / International arthroscopy Association, Copenhagen (6/1993)


     Monto RR: Paul Gascoigne-- What Went Wrong? Soccer International, December, 1991.

    Monto RR: Trouble Ahead--Foot Problems in Soccer Players; Soccer International, January, 1992.

    Monto RR: Is Heading Dangerous?; Soccer International, Feb 1992.

    Monto RR: Ankle Sprains in Soccer Players; Soccer International, April, 1992.

    Monto RR: Anatomy of the Soccer Shoe, Eurosport, Winter, 1996.

    Monto RR: Hamstring Injuries, Eurosport, Spring, 1996.

    Monto RR: Ankle Injuries, Eurosport, Fall, 1995.